
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Family Pictures

Before my mom left I had her snap some pictures of all of us as a family and I'm so happy with how they turned out! I'm definitely going to have to print some of these out.  

I love this little family of mine! 

xo Lexie

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Two Against One

My mom headed back to Michigan and I'm so sad to see her go! I got to have her all to myself for a full month and it was glorious. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome mother who would come stay with me for that long and help me out. We had so much fun while she was here laughing and talking and prepping meals for when she left. She did what she does best and cleaned and organized my entire house and I just was so thankful to have her. She really is the sweetest woman and these boys are so lucky to have her as their grandma! I can tell they already are in love with her! 

Ollie and Porter say "Thanks for coming Grandma! We miss you!!" 

And now I have these boys all to myself every day all day long. And let me tell you, it's been a handful.  But as exhausted as I am right now, It's all totally worth it because look at how cute those little faces are!! I'd seriously do anything for them. 

And can you guess which one of them isn't a fan of bath time? 
Between bathing them, feeding them, burping them, and just getting them to stop fussing it's definitely a full time job. 

Without my mom here you better wish me luck! This is going to be an adventure for sure. 
Here we go. 

xo Lexie

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Porter's Scare

Last night Porter decided to give us the scariest moment we've had since the boys have been home. Me and my mom had just come home from the women's conference and were only home for about five minutes when Porter stopped breathing. He let out a distressed cry, arched his back, and his face turned bright red. As Braxton quickly scooped him up to try and help him we noticed no air was going in or out and Porter had milk coming out of his nose. Braxton tried everything he could think of to get him to breath while my mom got on the phone and called 911 and I was able to drop to my knees and pray. Thankfully the paramedics arrived quickly and Porter started breathing again and everything was fine, but in the moment I was terrified I was going to lose my little boy. 

We spent some time in the ambulance with him and then about an hour in the emergency room making sure everything was okay before we took him home. But for the rest of the night I was so scared that something was going to happen again. When he had stopped breathing he was completely silent and wasn't making a sound and I was so scared that I would go to sleep and that something would happen and I wouldn't wake up. Braxton felt the same way so he stayed up most of the night with Porter just making sure everything was okay so I could get some sleep. He is such a sweet husband and an amazing father.

 I'm so thankful for a God who loves us and who answers prayers. I know that the spirit was there comforting us and letting us know what to do and I know Porter's okay because I prayed and had faith. How lucky we are to have such a merciful Heavenly Father who is watching out for us. 
God loves us! 

xo Lexie

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Best Dad Award

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Braxton is the best dad ever. It's true. We have loved having these babies home with us but I'm not going to lie it's also been very challenging, and Braxton has made everything a million times better. He's my hero. Right now he is going to school full time as well as working at least 4 hours a day and then he comes home to two crying babies, a flustered mama, and a huge load of homework. I don't know how he does it all. But in spite of all the hard and stressful things going on he still manages to be the happy one who is always there to lift my spirits on the hard days and find time to play his guitar and sing to the babies at night. I sure picked a keeper. 

These boys already love him so much and I'm a little worried that both of them are going to like him more than me! I really do hope they grow up to be like their daddy. 

I'm so grateful for this man in my life and everything he does for our family! 
Love you Braxton!

xo Lexie

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Newborn Photo's

These kids are going to learn young that their mom is going to do photo shoots with them almost daily. I've been wanting to get some newborn photos of them for a while now so once Porter was all settled in at home I made my own little makeshift studio and snapped a bunch of pictures of them! (technically they're not newborn pictures because they're two and a half months old, but since I took these on their due date I think it counts.) Enjoy!

We love you Porter and Oliver! 

xo Lexie

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Boys Meet the Family

A couple days after the Porter came home family came to visit us and meet the twins! They were able to say hello again to their Great Grandma (Nana), and meet their Great Aunt Christine, Aunt Callie, and Austin! It was so fun to show off my babies to them and we had a great time visiting. 

The four generation picture. 

Nana holding Porter and Ollie together. They weren't very good at holding still for the picture. haha

Christine and Aunt Callie. (Callie's the closest thing I have to a sister and these boys are going to grow up knowing her as their Aunt! I'm so happy they were able to meet her!) 

Austin holding both babies together for the first time. He was so nervous to hold them, but in this picture he looks like a natural! I have a feeling he'll be having kids of his own pretty soon. ;) 

Now these two have to share the title of "coolest set of twins", but judging by how much fun they had with Porter and Oliver I think they're okay with that.

These boys are so lucky to have so much family around who loves them so much.

It's a good life!

xo Lexie

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Peace Out NICU!

"Wahoo! I'm busting out of here!" Said Porter … or maybe that was me. 
On Thursday we finally said goodbye to the NICU and headed home for good with baby Porter! The boys can't talk, but if they could I'm sure they would be all sorts of excited to not have to deal with the monitors, the daily checkups, and the lack of time with mommy and daddy. We are overjoyed to say welcome home to Porter and finally have our whole family together at home. 

Last Day in the Hospital!

It was so fun to have both boys completely free of all cords and wires and drive away from the hospital with BOTH OF THEM in the back seat.

Ollie was so excited to have his womb-mate and best friend home with him, but he may have been a little jealous that he wasn't getting all the attention anymore. It's been so fun to see them interact with each other. I have been a lot more sleep deprived these past few days though. It's been hard waking up in the middle of the night and feeding two babies now and then pumping and going back to sleep. I'm definitely going to have to adjust! 

I'm so thankful to have my mom here to help me though. She's relieved me of so much stress already and it's been a huge blessing to have the extra hands. I really don't know what I'm going to do without her!

We love our two little men!

xo Lexie

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome Home Ollie!

Amazing news! Mr. Oliver decided he was tired of being second at everything and came home on Friday! We knew they were getting close but we didn't realize how close and one day the nurse called me and said we should bring in the boys carseats and I freaked out! I couldn't believe it was already time! We hurried over to the hospital and they told us Oliver had done awesome with his feedings and that he could come home the next day. I couldn't stop smiling! We went home that night and got everything ready for him to come home. The next day I went over to the hospital early in the morning and got bombarded with all sorts of information and paper work. But at the end of it all we were walking out of the hospital with one of our babies with us. It was such a surreal thing to drive home with a baby in the back seat. 

Since then we have been absolutely loving our time with baby Ollie. He is such an awesome baby and hardly fusses at all. He's so great to just sit there happily and look around at everything going on around him and it's just the funnest! And probably one of my favorite things is playing dress up with him and picking out his cute little baby outfits every morning. It's like I have my own little baby doll and I'm in love. When my mom heard Oliver was coming home she hopped on a plane and came back out here to help us with the babes. Her and Tyler drove up Saturday night and Ty stayed and spent all day Sunday hanging out with us as well. I have to wake up about every three hours during the night and feed Oliver and pump for Porter and then go back to bed. By the time I fall back asleep I only get about a half hour of sleep before it's time to wake up and do it all over again so I've been pretty exhausted. My mom's been helping me out a bunch and it's taken a huge burden off of me. It's been so nice to have my mom here and I'm so beyond grateful for everything she's done for me. These boys are lucky to have her as their grandma! 

A precious moment between Father and Son. Braxton is so cute with these babies and he's already such a good Dad to them. I love my three boys! 

We have loved having Oliver here and now we are just waiting for Porter to improve a little more so he can be home with us and we can have our whole family back together again. We're lucky the NICU has let us bring Oliver back in to the hospital with us when we visit Porter so we don't have to worry about leaving him at home with a sitter when we see his brother. It's been great to bring Oliver and lay them in the same crib together for some much needed twin time. They're already becoming best friends and I love it! 

I love these little dudes!

xo Lexie
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